
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Brittanys on Dogster

If anyone has not been on, you should really check it out.  There is alot of good information on things to not feed your pet and ways to network with other dog owners.  I have been registerd on Dogster for some time with Jasper.  I really enjoy reading the discussion forums they have.  Here are a few things they have listed on their site about Brittanys:
  • 1,394 Brittanys on Dogster
  • The breed is very welcoming.
  • Gets along with everyone in family
  • Very charming when guests come over
  • Eager to please and easy to train
  • People-oriented dogs
  • Healthy Brittany can live to be 12 years old
If you would like to read more about what the site has to say about the breed, please visit:

1 comment:

  1. I really like the website you provided. It gives great information about my dogs (toy poodles) personalities. Plus if you are looking into getting a dog, this website basically gives everything you need to know all on one site.
