
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

more info about the brittany spaniel temperment

While searching the web for more information to share about Brittany’s I found a website that talked about temperament and how they deal with other animals.  It said that if your Brittany is well socialized then it will be polite and gentle with people and with other animals. The site also said that the breed tends to be timid and have excessive submissiveness in some ways, so it is best to socialize your puppy early as to promote a confident temperament.

It also stated that Brittanys tend to be sensitive and "soft" dogs; that they are willing to please and are better responsive to a calm voice. The site also states that the breed may not do well in an environment with loud voices and a lot of tension.

The site also lists a few other traits of the breed.  Some of those are that they are good with strangers, peaceful with other animals, hyperactive when not properly exercised, may get separation anxiety, very inquisitive sniffer, excitable or submissive urination when nervous or excited and persistent whining when stressed or excited.  I have listed the site on my links page where I got this information

1 comment:

  1. I love dogs of all breeds. At present I am the proud owner of a German Rotti. Since I am such a dog lover I feel like I should have been following your page from the start of the semester. I enjoyed reading your post and look forward to reading more about the Brittany. By the way your pictures are great.
