
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Jasper and the drive thru window

I thought I would tell a cute story about Jasper this week.  It is something that happened about 2 years ago.  Jasper is a genuinely friendly dog and loves people.  He also likes going for rides in the car.  I was out one day with Jasper in the car and went through Wendy’s drive thru to get something to eat.  The young lady at the first window commented on how cute Jasper was and asked if he could have a French fry.  I told her yes and she said she’d meet me at the second window.  When I got to the window and the other young lady handed me my food, the young lady from the pay window comes running over with a French fry.  Jasper is in the back seat trying to stretch up front to sniff what was in the bag and see what this person was handing out at the window, so I pulled up so the back window was at the drive thru window and put the window down.  She handed the fry out the window and he leaned out and took it.  She patted him on the head and told me that I made her day and thanked me.  I told her she was welcome and drove off.  So now, every time I go through Wendy’s, McDonalds or any other fast food place with Jasper in the car, he starts whining an tries to stick his head out of the drivers side window thinking the person at the window is giving him a French fry.

I had him in the car about 2 weeks after the Wendy’s ordeal and he started pacing in the back seat because he somehow knew he was in a drive thru.  I put my thing in the tube to send in the bank and Jasper is intently staring down the teller in the window.  She chuckled and told me he was a cute dog and I said thank you as she sent the tube back through with my receipt and a doggie biscuit for him.  He kindly stuck his nose in the tube thinking he was going to get the biscuit out.  I got it out and gave it to him and thanked the teller, then pulled away.  He is a spoiled dog and I love him dearly.


  1. McDonald's also gives out biscuits. My dogs get very excited for any window. They get pretty upset when there's no offering.

    Dr C

  2. My two dogs love to go "bye byes" and they gets excited when we go to the Drive Thru especially at the bank or Dairy Queen. The bank hands are dog cookies and Dairy Queen hands out ice cream with dog treats. But they enjoy their time in the car and I do too.

    1. I'll have to take Jasper through dairy queen one day when the weather gets nices so he doesnt slop ice cream in the car and i can sit outside with him while he eats it. I've been buying him frosty paws.
